Knowledge Hub

Advice and answers from the Restaurantology Team

Use HubSpot and Restaurantology together to accelerate how you consume industry data with the most complete, accurate, and up-to-date restaurant insights.

Note: HubSpot CRM integration is included in the Chrome extension Pro license. Learn more here.

How it works

Restaurantology provides a HubSpot integration that covers two (2) primary use cases:

  1. Search Restaurantology’s multi-unit dataset when the sidebar is opened on a HubSpot’s company using the record’s website, and
  2. Inject Restaurantology’s verified insights* into a custom CRM Card which refreshes each time a HubSpot company record is opened.

*Verified insights currently include proprietary firmographic, technographic, territory, and trend information.

HubSpot Company Page Layout

Here’s an example of a HubSpot company record with Restaurantology’s custom CRM Card injected into the page layout: