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Advice and answers from the Restaurantology Team

In the Spring 2024 managed package 2.0 major release, Restaurantology introduced powerful new functionality allowing users and admins to batch import restaurant units related to previously-matched multi-unit Concepts. These locations are created as child Accounts to their corresponding Parent or Sub-parent records. This import feature significantly streamlines the process of importing store-level data into Salesforce, providing users with a simplified series of clicks as opposed to file prep, data normalization and manipulation, and repeat batch import.

Why is this important?

Unit-level data in Salesforce is invaluable to various teams within an organization:

  • BDRs/AEs: Having access to detailed unit information allows sales teams to add relevant store-level Contacts to the appropriate record, and log all related inbound/outbound activities to the appropriate units. It also allows them to align effort to differences in time zone.

  • CX Teams: Post-sales teams—such as Implementation, CSMs, and Support Orgs—can align Cases or product usage summaries to the appropriate unit, rather than simply tagging the parent with unit-level details.

  • Finance: For finance teams, unit-level data helps tie active Subscriptions (typically resulting from Closed-Won product quantities) to specific Zip Codes, facilitating accurate NEXUS billing and financial reporting as unit counts ebb and flow over time.

A bit of background information

Before the Spring 2024 release, Restaurantology customers with CRM integration who wanted to access unit-level restaurant details would typically utilize the Chrome extension. This tool allowed individual users to review verified multi-unit profiles to uncover store-level information. While valuable, these insights were accessed on a case-by-case basis and did not offer the capability to export any portion of the underlying dataset, either in part or in its entirety.

Now, with the introduction of Restaurantology Business+ features, customers have the option to import relevant segments of the multi-unit landscape directly into their CRM. This feature enables users to either perform a complete download of units associated with a specific concept or to conduct an update that captures only new stores opened since the previous import.

Getting started with Unit imports

Before jumping in and downloading hundreds or thousands of records, we strongly recommend key team members review our Unit Import: Setup & Permissions article to ensure all settings and data mappings are complete prior to getting started.