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Advice and answers from the Restaurantology Team

Restaurantology seamlessly integrates market intelligence into your Salesforce instance, empowering both standard users and admins with valuable industry insights and streamlined workflows. In this article we’ll provide an overview of the most common user activities in Salesforce, highlighting the key actions performed by standard users and admins to maximize the benefits of Restaurantology.


[01] Restaurantology for standard users

Standard users typically interact with Restaurantology on a daily basis as they prioritize their prospecting efforts and add new accounts to their outbound funnel. By leveraging Restaurantology’s verified data, they can make informed decisions that drive their sales success.

  1. Exploring Details with the Chrome Extension: Standard users often begin their activities in Salesforce by navigating the platform and encountering records of interest. When they need more detailed market insights, some users may prefer opening the Restaurantology Chrome extension where they can quickly and succinctly qualify prospects in seconds. Using the sidebar in conjunction with Salesforce provides on-the-fly access to valuable information about multi-unit records, helping users gain a deeper understanding of their prospects and customers.

  2. Reviewing Restaurantology Insights in the Account Page Layout: One of the primary benefits of Restaurantology is the injection of valuable insights directly into the Account page layout. Standard users can review these insights, which provide relevant market data and firmographic and technographic insights specific to the Account they are working with. This comprehensive view enhances their understanding of the account and aids in effective engagement and decision-making.

  3. Monitoring Uncovered New Accounts: Restaurantology continuously uncovers new multi-unit accounts, expanding the market coverage within your Salesforce instance. Standard users can easily review and keep track of the recently uncovered Accounts that an admin has assigned to them. This allows them to stay updated on potential prospects and seize new opportunities for pipeline growth.

  4. Utilizing Prepared Reports and Dashboards: To optimize their territory planning and sales strategies, standard users can rely on prepared Restaurantology reports and dashboards within Salesforce. These pre-built and custom resources provide comprehensive insights and analytics, enabling users to assess market trends, track performance, and make informed decisions to drive their sales efforts forward.

[02] Restaurantology for admins

Admins—be they team members from Sales Ops, RevOps, or anywhere else—play a crucial role in maximizing the benefits of Restaurantology’s market intelligence capabilities.

  1. Owning Data Integrity: Admins take ownership of data hygiene by using the Restaurantology App to match new records to existing Accounts or create new Accounts when none exist. This data mapping process occurs not only during implementation but also on an ongoing basis. By ensuring accurate and up-to-date data, admins enable sales teams to make informed decisions, improve customer interactions, and drive revenue growth.

  2. Creating Custom Reports and Dashboards: To capitalize on the dynamic nature of the restaurant industry, admins leverage Restaurantology’s insights to create custom reports and dashboards they need to stay informed. These resources facilitate strategic decision-making at all levels of the business. Executives benefit from reports that define competitive and partnership opportunities, while sales leaders are empowered with dashboards that activate sales reps and optimize territories. Customized reports and dashboards enable stakeholders to stay informed, track performance, and take proactive measures to drive success.

  3. Implementing Custom Automation: Admins are responsible for optimizing Salesforce automation and streamlining processes. With tools like Flows or Process Builder, admins can implement custom automation to fix bad data at its source and maintain a clean and efficient Salesforce instance. By automating data management tasks, admins ensure data integrity, enhance productivity, and enable sales teams to focus on core activities that drive revenue.